Wednesday, October 26, 2005


After work evening run clockwise round reservoir - 8.4k.

Difficult in the dark, with a sort of fine mist/rain, making my glasses hard to see out of. Went on the path through the field (first time in the dark - with little cycle LED) to avoid running in the road, which I think contributed to my slightly slower time of 37.58s as I had to slow down through that stretch.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Went to LA Fitness, still on the BP ticket.

Did 4 sets of 10 lengths (15M) - total 600M

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Went to Windsor pool with Gina. We did a few lengths together, and she is almost as fast as me! Not sure how many, just a few hundred metres.

Friday, October 21, 2005


reservoir anti-clockwise during the day as working at home.

Very windy on last stretch from Honda

time 37.02

Friday, October 07, 2005


Another nail in the LA Fitness coffin - they took my badge number today. Contractors are going to be banned any day now.

Did 3 lots of 10 laps (15M), then sauna break, then 20 final laps, with the last 4 being as fast as I could go.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


This blog isn't really convenient for me for when I'm on holiday or not working. I seem to never get time on those occasions to actually fill in my training. I can usually find a piece of paper to write down my cycling comnputer results, or those of my heart rate monitor (HRM), but these quite often get put in the recycling box, or don't have a date, so are fairly useless.

There are two answers as I see it. One is to get a better HRM that stores data for more than one session and allows uploads to a conputer. These definitely do exist, but cost > £200. The next is to get a small notebook and just write it all in there, and maybe transcribe to a blog.

The previous entries from today back to 26th August will all be entered after today, hopefully my imperfect memory will be good enough, but I'll definitely miss out some training sessions.