I'm not sure whether to keep this blog going or not, but as I have no other easy public place right now for triathlon related stuff, I'll make my sporadic updates and see how we go.
Since the last post I have been running once or twice a week, swimming about once a week on average, cycling to work every day on my Brompton bike, and every few weekends going for a longer ride, but never more than 2 hours. So basically, I'm maintaining a fairly average level of fitness.
I'm not to worried, as the cycling really does keep my legs strong, and I am hoping now that we have settled down a bit since Christmas that I'll get out more at weekends. I have decided however that my gym membership has to go. I am a member of Virgin Active at the Broadgate club, but it is very expensive, and I really only needed it for the 25M pool training. I'll miss having a whole lane to myself for the duration of my session, but work allow me to go to LA Fitness 17M pool for free. That pool is much smaller and busier, but I can't justify the expense.
I am now living in Windsor. I enjoyed running in the Great Park in Autumn, but the route is so water-logged now that I'm forced back onto the pavements. I've used my Polar heart rate monitor, but it's behaving very badly, often losing the signal. It has produced quite a few good graphs of my runs/cycles and hopfully I'll find an easy way of getting them online and linking to them.
In the year to come, I have decided to try a few short/standard triathlons, and maybe some other runs/cycles. So far I am entered in these:
Eton Super Sprint - 17th May 2008
Nokia Royal Windsor Triathlon - 15th June 2008
Aiming to keep the running training to short distances, to see if that manages to prevent the calf injuries I've got the last two years. Crossed fingers.
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