Saturday, March 04, 2017

Parkrun #6 - Maidenhead

My aim this week was to get a faster time than last week, and to still be in control. I managed it.

I had a Nutrigrain bar for breakfast with a coffee, and then a gel 20 minutes before the race. I did a 5-10 minute warm-up run. This is probably not enough. I might go earlier next time and warm up for longer.

The ground was very wet, and I got a bit bogged down at the start and wasn't in a good position tactically. By the time I reached the straight where it opens out, I was a good 10-15 seconds behind the pace. But I'm not sure it really matters that much, as I'm running to average pace. I watched my speed, and noticed I'd settled quite comfortably into 6:58 min/mile - 10 seconds faster than last week.

I maintained my pace as well as possible - it was very hard to get past people, due to the mud and narrow paths, and this slowed me down in places. I went a bit fast around one corner and nearly slipped in the mud. I tried to get past one man near the end, who saw me, speeded up and blocked me - very annoying as he just slowed down again and I went past anyway, but it messed up my flow. But I kept to approximately 7 min/mile all the way.

After the final bend, I sprinted for home, feeling good, and finished at 6:57 min/mile pace. I was very careful not to let the person sprinting behind me get past and take my place, and I didn't sneak in front of the woman ahead even though I could have done - she was running fast on the back straight and overtook me, and deserved it.

Result 21:57 - 19th overall out of 252.

Some photos on Flickr include me

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