Monday, August 08, 2005


LA Fitness this afternoon, and started off with two lots of 10 lengths of the 15M pool. I was struggling at the end, and had a break in the steam room.

When I came back, my swimming was much better, I did another 10, and then did 20, and felt good enough for more though my shoulder twinged a little so decided that 50 was enough.

It's really odd that the final lengths are always the easiest. I was reading about the Olympics recently, and the swimmers have a practise pool they use before a competition. I think this is to give their bodies time not only to warm up, but to rehearse and relearn the strokes. 10 minutes swimming followed by a short rest seems to do the trick for me.

I've always worried about getting tired warming up, and therefore not being able to compete properly. This may still have an element of truth for running, but for swimming it seems to be a positive thing to do.

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