Friday, January 14, 2005

Bike - Computer

Attached my bicycle computer to the Ridley (it's been on my old mountain bike up till now). It a wireless model from VDO called a Cytec C10+. Picture here. The manual says that with my wheels (700X23C) I should program the circumference size as 2133mm, but I measured it as 2120mm, so I'm using that.

Decided that a time of around two hours for 26 miles is a bit on the slow side. Went on the same route as Wednesday (26.5 miles according to Autoroute) and really tried to push harder.

Trip - 42.48km
Time - 1.30.02
Avs - 28.34
Max - 54.49

So my trip computer and Autoroute are roughly in agreement (42.48 *.62 = 26.34), which is nice. Only really tried to go fast at one place, down an incline, and got that pretty fast speed.

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