I have far too few goals. Now I've done my Olympic Distance Triathlon, I don't have anything on the calendar. I think this is a mistake.
I've been doing some searching on Blogger for triathlon, and found a community of people who seem to know each other and all have training blogs. They are all in the US - here are a few I've read a bit of:
There is a very positive, upbeat feel to these blogs. Very American in the "Have a nice day" vein with a lot of mutual support and back slapping. I like it really, and the blogs are all very readable, almost addictive. It would be nice to find a similar group in the UK to join.
Another thing they all have in common, is a list of goals for the coming year. 10K races, sprint and olympic triathlons, 1/2 Ironmans and Ironman races too, with dates and estimated times. Some have a nice table of these dates, some keep weekly and monthly training summaries. It's all a lot more interesting than my blog, but of course, a lot more work. So I'm going to try and get myself entered into some more events, and put a calendar online, to see if I can structure my training better and achieve more.
Talking of goals, would *love* to be able to do this http://www.envirosports.com/events/displayevent.php?eventid=1547
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