Tuesday, July 19, 2005


15 minutes on rowing machine.
15 minutes run

Getting into a good habit with this for when I have a one hour break to go to the gym.

Rowing machine is set on medium (No 5) and I do 5 minutes at 600 rate, then 5 minutes at 700 or over, and finally 5 minutes at as close to 800 as I can. 30-34 strokes per minute. ~180 calories.

Set the treadmill to some kind of program where it varies the speed/incline. Currently using level 4 and today was course 4 I think. Slow build up and down. Speed ~11km/h but down to 10.2km/h for the 6% section. Exactly 200 calories according to the machine. Really ought to bring my HR monitor.

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Need to see if this kind of session is doing me good; I've been reading about people who's training is not really making a difference to their fitness.

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