Thursday, July 21, 2005


LA Fitness - 1200M

Because of the travel delays due to more bombs, I decided to have a swim after work instead of rushing home. Very glad I did.

Did the same session as yesterday, with 400M crawl punctuated by frequent rests, then 400M of alternate 15M lengths of breaststroke and crawl. Then had a rest in the sauna.

No rush home, so decided to try 10 lengths of continuous crawl to finish off and cool down.

Swam as slow as I could to try and not get tired (people doing breaststroke beside me were overtaking me), and it really worked. Afer 10 lengths, was still feeling fine, and after 15 decided to go up to the full 28 (~400M). This is about 3 times further than I've ever swum front crawl in my life. Considering that this time last year I was struggling badly to do even 25M, I'm really really pleased. I think I may have finally cracked the problem I've always had of getting too tired to breathe. I'm twisting my body way sideways every third stroke, and breathing out on the stroke before so that once my mouth is out of the water I only have to breath in. The slow speed means I don't actually need so much oxygen too, so can keep it up longer. And the increased rowing and swimming schedule I've followed the last few weeks means my arms and shoulders are stronger.

I can't wait actually to get back in the water for another go.

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