Sunday, March 12, 2006


It may be snowing up north, but in the south it was a nice sunny, if a bit chilly, Sunday. Didn't actually get out till 11am today, so maybe it had warmed up a bit from my more normal 9am start, and my feet were cold, but not quite frozen. I made up my route as I went along, and this turned out to be much further than I'd planned.

Went through Eton/Maidenhead/Bourne End/Marlow/Henley and then criss-crossed the back roads around White Waltham looking for a way into Windsor avoiding the A4. I was a bit lost I guess, but I never like retracing my steps and so soldiered on. Nearly ended up in Bracknell!

After my poor speeds over the last few weeks I decided to try a bit harder today, and seem to have managed it.

distance 70k
Average speed 27km/h
Time 2:30:00

approx. (15 minutes into the ride, my speedo was all over the place, and I had to stop and adjust the little magnet. Not sure how much this affected my times, but probably not a lot)

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